
  • Standard shipping, within the United States, flat rate $9.95 for most small items. Delivery will take an average of 3-7 business days. We use USPS for orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, US territories, APO/FPO addresses, and PO Box addresses.
  • Three-Day (UPS Three-Day Select) will take 3 business days to deliver. The provider does not deliver on Sundays.
  • Next Day Air guarantees delivery by the end of the next business day once the order has processed to ship. The provider does not deliver on Saturdays and Sundays. A signature is usually (but not always) required during the time of delivery.
  • 1 Day (Next Day) or 2 Day shipping services - Orders placed with these services Monday - Friday before 1:00 PM CST will be shipped same day. Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be shipped the next business day.
  • All other shipping services - Orders placed for these services will be shipped the next business day.
  • A USPS carrier will deliver to PO Boxes, APOs/FPO addresses, or US Territory addresses.
  • Domestic shipments will be supplied a delivery confirmation and/or a tracking number.
  • Shipments are processed once payment clears and shipped within 1-2 business days.
  • We are currently unable to sell to customers in Alabama or Alaska due to sales tax processing requirements.
  • We have a quantity restriction of 40 items per order. Should you need to purchase more than the allowed quantity, please, enter separate carts.
  • Orders shipped over $250 will require a signature.


Our standard international service is DHL Mail Service (there are no brokerage fees associated with this shipping method, delivery would be made by the same carrier that would deliver a USPS parcel). Sorry, but we do not adhere to requests for a preferred service when selecting our standard international service. Standard parcels can take in excess of 4-6 weeks to arrive due to customs delays, but typically arrive within 2 weeks.  Our Expedited Service can arrive within 3-5 business days to most locations and ships via UPS Expedited.  For guaranteed tracking, we recommend selecting USPS Priority Mail International or our Expedited International Service.

  • International shipping may not come with tracking. For guaranteed tracking, select USPS Priority Mail International.
  • Import duties & taxes are not included in item price or shipping costs and are the buyer's responsibility.
  • Check with your country's customs office to determine import costs prior to bidding/buying.
  • Due to frequent customs delays, allow 6-8 weeks for arrival of packages shipped to the following destinations:  Armenia, Australia, Brazil, Israel, Kazakhstan, Moldova, New Zealand, and Ukraine.
  • Government regulations prohibit marking merchandise below value or marking items as "gifts".



Vanessa Jane does not ship to the following countries: All of Europe, Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burma/Myanmar, Burundi, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Martinique, Montenegro, Nicaragua, North Korea, Romania, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. 



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